Shocked by your monthly electric bill? Take control of your energy!
Utility rates are on the rise but the good news is that you can take control of
your electric bill. Call Vintage Electric at (760) 775-0135 or read below for more energy-saving tips.
Phantom Energy Draws
Some devices that stay plugged in all the time continue to use electricity even when they aren’t in use. Computer chargers are one of the most common culprits of phantom energy use. Gaming consoles, cable boxes, and digital DVR’s are among the worst power vampires. Unplugging unnecessary cords will help reduce your bill.
Turn Off Ceiling Fans and Lights in Empty Rooms
Every room needs sufficient lighting for reading, watching TV, working, etc. But overusing overhead lighting can get expensive. Try using lamps to provide direct light right where you need it. Ceiling fans cool a room but remember to turn off fans in rooms that are not being used. Otherwise, you’re just wasting electricity.
Switch to Efficient LED Light Bulbs
Making the switch to LED light bulbs is a smart decision that will save you considerable money in the long run. LED bulbs use up to 80% less energy than incandescent light bulbs and last up to 25 times longer.
Check Your Home’s Insulation
A house that is not properly insulated wastes energy by making the furnace and the air conditioner work harder than they should. Fixing drafty windows and doors will also bring down the cost of your electric or gas bill.
Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances
Many older appliances aren’t very efficient, which could be causing your monthly electric bill to be higher than necessary. Consider upgrading to Energy Star certified models and donate or recycle your old ones. You may even be eligible for a rebate on new Energy Star certified products!
Run Appliances at Full Capacity
Dishwashers and washing machines are two of the most used appliances in the home. But did you know they also use a lot of energy, whether they are full or not? Running them when they are only half full wastes energy. Wait until they’re full before running a load of laundry or dishes.
How to Reduce Utility Bills with Vintage Electric
Vintage Electric can improve the comfort and efficiency of your home through strategic electrical repairs and installations. Call your Vintage Electric electricians today at (760) 775-0135 to discuss ways we can make your home more energy-efficient.